Business Coach and Motivational Speaker's Charge Podcast with Pete Paciorek on character loves company

Ep: 162 Pete Paciorek

In Podcast, Podcasts by goacend


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Pete PaciorekPete is a youth coach/mentor. He is married to his high school sweetheart and has 3 young children. A former professional baseball player from a family of 10 pro athletes, Pete uses the vehicle of sport to bring out the innate positive character in our youth and teens. His non-profit and book are called Character Loves Company. He is pursuing a doctoral degree in Character Education and Citizenship at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. He works at Principia School in St. Louis, where he is the director of school advancement and community outreach, as well as the head baseball coach. Previously, Pete has been a college director of athletics and a college head baseball coach, and the head coach/instructor at IMG Academy for baseball. Pete is passionate about the Special Olympics and supporting SO athletes like my good buddy, Daxton Miller. Last year, he hired Daxton to be an assistant baseball coach with him at Principia School.

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Show Notes:

  • Pete’s number one habit is gratitude.
    • He wakes up every morning and is excited for the day.
    • Jackie Robinson said, “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
  • Pete loves to work with high school and middle school kids.
    • These are such formative years.
    • He had a lot of terrific coaches and teachers during this time in his life, so he wanted to help other kids grow.
  • Character loves company.
    • We bring out the best in each other and pull each other up when we’re positive.
  • Special Olympics athletes have taught Pete a lot, and they have so much fun with sports.
  • In Pete’s book, he describes a lot of values ranging from gratitude (the first value) to legacy (the 25th value).
  • In the middle, he added kindness.
    • He realized the importance of kindness when talking with young men who are always expected to be tough.
  • Tell your kids that you loved watching them play their sport.
    • It means a lot to them.
    • Parent bombard their kids and put additional stresses on them too often.
  • Kids get different perspectives from different coaches.
  • They love learning from high school and college students.
    • Pete wants to empower older kids to mentor younger generations and be quality role models.

Pete Paciorek’s Recharge Round

  1. Share with us how you believe your mindset affects your life? Gratitude. Getting up with a full heart makes you ready to give to other people.
  2. What do you do daily to bring Energy into your life? He surrounds himself with youth and high-quality character.
  3. Share the number one connection that has made the biggest impact on your life? His wife is his number one connection.
  4. What advice has Influenced you the most in your life? “You have to do well before you can do good.”
  5. Recommend a book and share why you love it? An Ethic of Excellence by Ron Berger
  6. Define in one sentence or less, what legacy you want to leave on the world? He wants to leave a legacy about caring about other people. It’s about seeing other people in need and capitalizing on an impact to make a difference.


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