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Do you have time for self-care? I used to think I was too busy to take time to care for myself. Then, I realized when I took care of myself I actually had more energy and stamina to be more productive not less productive. The question I want you to answer for yourself is, ‘What are you doing to take care of yourself?’

If you do not have a consistent, regular plan, may I suggest some areas for you to consider:

  • Sleep – Research shows our bodies need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
  • Eat – Try eating healthier foods not fried and bought at a fast-food restaurant. Try a protein shake in the morning and eat more green on your menu.
  • Move – Exercise 4x per week, cardio and strength training will help you find more energy in your daily routine.
  • Connect – Go to lunch with a friend or set up a date night with your spouse.
  • Relax – Go 24 hours without looking at email or social media. You do know you can set your phone to stop your emails coming to you on the weekends, try setting it this weekend.
  • Time-off – Set a goal to take a minimum of a 4-day weekend and getaway each quarter to refresh and recharge your body and relationships. 

I know the excuses – I’m too busy, I don’t have time, I have an important project, etc. The problem is that if you don’t take care of yourself and your most important relationships, you will wake up one day and have medical issues, or worse yet, you will lose those closest to you.

Decide right now what you will do in the area of self-care over the next 90 days. Send an email with your plan to your accountability partner and me and we will help hold you accountable. gwilbers@goascend.biz

Make it a GREAT day!